The InHealthRVA QuaranTeam Healthy Foundations Challenge


Governor's Northam’s Executive Order 55 directing us to stay home except for essential activities until June 10th is imperative to limit this infectious pandemic. Staying home will save lives and insure that we can get back to Life After Coronavirus.

And yet there are side effects to the shutdown that also need to be addressed. I’ve been particularly concerned about how folks will deal with either enforced isolation or enforced time with family, loss of income or increased stress from work, fear of illness and disruption the social and economic structures which supported us. 

How can we stay safe and ameliorate the side effects of the shutdown? Or even, how can we use this unique situation to perhaps improve our lives or even of society as a whole?

As part of our commitment to keeping you well during the time of quarantine, we’ve created the InHealthRVA QuaranTeam Healthy Foundations Challenge. 

Starting now (or as soon as you sign up!) we invite and encourage you to join our challenge program. Doing these little things will help keep you physically and mentally well during, and hopefully long after, the COVID-19 shutdowns are over. 

Perhaps, in the midst of the loss, confusion and disruption, are the seeds for something new to grow, something that may leave you, your life and even those around you, better, healthier and happier than before. 

On with the challenge!

What is it?

  • Meditate at least 10 minutes, 6 days a week, from now until June 10th.

    • Use the meditation app suggestions from here.

  • Exercise, at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week, from now until June 10th.

    • What counts as exercise? Anything that gets your heart rate up! Walking or running, Zumba or indoor fitness classes, yoga, pilates, strengthening classes. And while it is absolutely beneficial to stay active outside of concentrated exercise periods, we are talking about focused periods of exercise and not ‘life activities’ such as with as house work, yard work and child care.

What do I get for it?

  • Besides better mental and physical health, improved natural resilience and a stronger immune system, you get a free 45 minute appointment with InHealthRVA’s Tressa Breindel to use for either acupuncture, a Functional medicine appointment, or a little of both (15 minute “quickie” Functional medicine consult and a 30 minute acupuncture treatment).

How do I qualify?

  • Sign up by emailing me at I will send you access to our challenge sheet to record each time you meditate and exercise. Once you’ve accomplished the 6x/week of meditating and 5 days/week of exercise through June 10th, schedule your 45 minute appointment with Tressa!

What if the quarantine goes on longer than June 10th?

  • You’ll still qualify for the reward!

  • And we’ll keep going with some new challenge@ 

We are also looking for community partners to add to reward options and rewards! If you or some local business you know would like to participate, let us know. Updates will be posted here and in upcoming newsletters (make sure you’ve joined our newsletter list).

For some of us there is a lot of challenge ahead. If we stay safe then we can deal with the rest. 

Use this time as an opportunity. 

In times of crisis, it becomes apparent that humans are innately empathetic, generous and caring at our core. Neighborhoods are supporting each other by putting animals in windows for kids to find as a scavenger hunt. Friends are calling each other to make sure they are ok. Corporations and wealthy individuals are giving back millions of dollars. The government is cooperating to provide stimulus checks and payroll support to individuals and massive loans to small businesses. While what is happening is truly unprecedented in modern times, our ability as a society to respond to it, take care of each other and stay whole until we get through this is also wonderfully unprecedented.

Let’s take care of ourselves and support each other -from a distance- to make this a time we will all remember for having allowed us to bring out the best of being human. 

In health,

Tressa and the Team at InHealthRVA